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Battle of Caen Scenic

Forces of Valor Battle of Caen Scenic

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List Price: $84.99
Our Price: $79.99 Pre-order! Ship Date: 2025
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Product Code: FOV841001

Description Extended Information
Forces of Valor FOV841001 Battle of Caen Scenic (1:32 Scale)

"I do not doubt that the outstanding ability of the designer and at a later date the economic acumen of manufacturers, will make it possible to make available to the German people a car which is low priced and cheap in operation, similar to what American people have enjoyed for a long time..."
- German Chancellor Adolf Hitler at the 26th International Berlin Automobile Show, 1936

The Battle for Caen (June to August 1944) is the name given to fighting between the British Second Army and the German Panzergruppe West in the Second World War for control of the city of Caen and its vicinity during the larger Battle of Normandy. The battles followed Operation Neptune, the Allied landings on the French coast on 6 June 1944 (D-Day).

Caen is about 9 mi (14 km) inland from the Calvados coast astride the Orne River and Caen Canal, at the junction of several roads and railways. The communication links made it an important operational objective for both sides. Caen and the area to its south are flatter and more open than the bocage country in western Normandy. Allied air force commanders wanted the area captured quickly to base more aircraft in France.

The British 3rd Infantry Division was to seize Caen on D-Day or to dig in short of the city if the Germans prevented its capture, which would temporarily mask Caen to maintain the Allied threat against it and thwart a potential German counter-attack from the city.

Caen, Bayeux and Carentan were not captured by the Allies on D-Day, and for the first week of the invasion, the Allies concentrated on linking the beachheads. British and Canadian forces resumed their attacks in the vicinity of Caen and the suburbs and city center north of the Orne were captured during Operation Charnwood (July 8th-9th). The Caen suburbs south of the river were captured by the II Canadian Corps during Operation Atlantic (July 18th-20th). The Germans had committed most of their panzer divisions in a determined defense of Caen, which made the fighting mutually costly and greatly deprived the Germans of the means to reinforce the west end of the invasion front. Pre-order! Ship Date: 2025.

Dimensions of Diorama:
Length: ?-inches
Width: ?-inches
Height: ?-inches

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